Orlando Family Photographer | 5 Insights On Taking Family Photos With Kids |

Everyone wants beautiful family photos to have for the years to come but the truth is, without the right preparations a family session can leave you feeling drained, defeated and with photos you may not want taking up real estate on your walls!

Having children of my own and photographing families for years now, I felt compelled to share some tips I’ve learned along the way, on how to not only prepare yourself but your little tots for your big photo day.


#5. Family Photos Take Family Effort

So you found a family photographer you absolutely adore, her work is amazing and her energy is energizing (haha enough about me) and you booked her for a family session! Great! What now?!

I’ve learned that the more I let my children take an active role in what I want them to do, they’re more inclined to listen to my instructions later on. Family photos take family effort and that means as a family you should take time to talk about what your photo session means to you, as a family.

This is the time to explain to your family that this is more than just showing up for a photo, it’s showing up as a family – with a unique story to be told. So pick outfits together, bring a prop or two that only you all would understand and remember that the more you engage naturally together, the better your session will be!


#4. Book Whats Best For Baby

More often than not, I receive quite a few inquiries from (new clients) families with very small children, trying to book 30 minute sessions. I would never say that this is an impossible thing to do, what I will say is that most babies and children need time to accumulate to a new place and person, especially if this new person is bouncing around with a camera.

Be honest with yourself and book whats best for baby! Mornings before nap time are my go-to family session blocks, simply because for whatever reason, most babies wake up at the crack of dawn with a cheerful disposition and the energy of a hundred horses (or is that just me with two toddler boys?)

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#3. Let Loose

Maybe this one goes without saying but you know those Pintrest photos where the family looks like they’re having so much fun? — thats because they really are!

Unless you’re a family of professional models (which would be totally amazing) there is no faking genuine smiles and laughter, which is why you need to let loose. This is the time for Dad to break out all his best material and for Mom to let her hair down, forget the condition of house and just play! I mean after all, isn’t having a great time together how you wish to remember your family?

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#2. Expectations Rarely Meet Reality & That’s OK!

Once I had a client book a session to celebrate the end of her breastfeeding journey with her son. This session was meant to signify the strength and commitment it took to nourish her baby for the past 9 months and what do you know — her son was more interested in the playing in the grass than he was in a latch! (see what I did there? haha)

Exceptions rarely meet reality & that’s ok, mentally prepare yourself before your session, understanding some things may not turn out exactly how you’ve pinned them.


#1. Come Happy + Not Hungry

On the day of your session, make every effort to eat and hydrate yo-selves! It makes a world of a difference when everyone comes happy, not hungry. Pack some snacks for the road and maybe some sweet treats for some motivation, for when the tots start to become over it.

On the way to your session listen to some jams, share laughs and keep things light. Nothing kills a session more than an argument started in the car 10 minutes before the session begins.

What’s something you can add to my list here? Share with me below!

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