
Jessica and her family drove 17 hours from Illinois to escape the cold and play at the beach.

Ironically the beach was so incredibly cold and windy that day but yaknow after running around we all warmed up.

I honestly had so much fun conducting the circus with the twins, Grace & Glory with Brody in tow.

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You know the best part about these sessions for me is capturing the true nature of each family.

I believe that having fun is absolutely mandatory and I promise you, PROMISE YOU – that you will never hear me say “cheese!”





So of course I ended this session with all of us jumping into the water – despite myself being in jeans, it was for a good cause!

Being that this was my first time back at there beach after such a long time (thanks covid) I really enjoyed it so much and I’m itching to go back.

By raise of hands, whose up for a trip to the beach?

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